11-19-17 Giant’s Causeway

Once upon a time in a faraway place called Ireland…there was an Irish giant called Finn McCool, also known as Fionn Mac Cumhaill, who got himself into a spot of trouble with an angry Scottish giant called Benandonner who made a claim for Finn’s island of Ireland.

Enraged, the giant called Finn starts throwing boulders into the sea just off the Antrim coastline in Northern Ireland. Inspired by the way they fell into the water, Finn decided to use his boulders to make a bridge – or a causeway – all the way to Scotland to challenge his rival to a duel.

In a mythical world where size dictates winners and losers, Finn realizes he has underestimated his enemy – Benandonner is Giant even for a giant! Brute force won’t work on him – so Finn quickly returns to Ireland via his causeway and decides the best way to beat Benandonner is to con him.

Leaving the Giant’s Causeway for Benandonner to find, Finn McCool’s wife disguises him as a baby. When his rival arrives, he finds Finn’s wife tending her enormous baby giant. Realizing that if Finn’s child son was this big, Finn himself must be huge! Benandonnar hurries away, tearing away bits of the causeway as he retreats to the Highlands, determined to leave Ireland and stay away from the giant Finn McCool, who regains undisputed control over Ireland once more.

The view as you come down the mountain on the bus.

Now for the reality, the UNESCO World Heritage site is the result of an ancient volcanic explosion some 60,000 years ago.



Here we are standing next to the wall by the Giant’s Gate entrance.
The Giant’s Shoe just sitting there on the beach.









The burning and quick cooling of the lava left a series of impressive 40,000 interconnected basalt columns hugging the northern Irish coastline, forming the Giant’s Causeway, one of Ireland’s most iconic and impressive landscapes to date.

Relaxing on the Giant’s shoe
The top of the pilings
The Giant’s Organ – these “pipes” are at least 50 feet long and most likely more.
The Giant’s Chair
The red comes from copper pennies that have been pushed into the cracks – the weather causes stain as a result.
It really does look like paving stones.
One of our adventurers took home a few stones from the Giant’s Causeway beach and has decorated them. As she said, “Not sure the grandchildren will be as impressed with them as I am, but then they have yet to be as fortunate as myself to actually have been there.”