Montenegro – Kotor and Lastva

Today is another country – Montenegro.  Considered to be one of the most recently recognized countries, Montenegro separated from Serbia in 2006.

Early morning sailing to get to Kotor.

Its 25 municipalities have a total population of 633,000 people in an area of 5,333 sq mi. It is bordered by Bosnia and Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia to the northeast, Kosovo to the east, Albania to the southeast, Croatia to the west, and has a coastline along the Adriatic Sea to the southwest.  The capital and largest city is Podgorica, while Cetinje is the Old Royal Capital and cultural center.  Our visit was to Kotor and the village of Lastva.

After taking a shore boat to the pier, we climbed aboard a coach for the ride to Lastva.   

The village of Lastva

This quaint village has managed to preserve its authentic rural charm but has also evolved into a favorite getaway location.  Virtually all the resident have moved to the Kotor (or its surrounding area) making Lastva a living museum.  The residents continue to take pride in their village while living somewhere else.  With narrow and rustic roads lined with stones and extremely archaic architecture, Lastva serves as a living reminder of traditional Montenegrin culture.

The village has about 20 stone houses, all of which are very simply built. In the majority of the village yards, you can see the trellises of grape, interior gardens, stone benches and some water cistern. The village church, Saint Maria Church, is dedicated to the Birth of the Holy mother of God and was built in baroque style.  While services are not held on a regular basis, it is open for visits.  Special services are held through the year to celebrate various key dates within the community.  

Adjacent to the church is an old olive oil mill and press.  This press was a community operation with crews dedicated to the working of the system until as late as the 1980s.  The mill and press were all hand operated and required a LOT of work.  

While no longer in operation, it could be restarted with little difficult just a major cleaning would be required.

After visiting the mill, we went to the community center and had some traditional snacks including red and white wines plus a grappa.  While we had our snack, we were entertained by a couple of locals playing.   

Also, in the community center, were some paintings from some of the local artists along with information about the overall history of the community.

Snack Time

Once our snack was completed, we returned to the bus for the ride down to the historic old center of town, Kotor. 

The old Mediterranean port of Kotor and its fortifications were built during the Venetian period between 16th and 17th centuries. Together with the overhanging limestone cliffs, Kotor and its surrounding area form an impressive landscape.  

One of two gates into the old town – Sea Gate

Characterized by winding streets and squares, its medieval old town has several Romanesque churches, including Kotor Cathedral. It’s also home to the Maritime Museum, which explores local seafaring history.

Since the early 2000s Kotor has seen an increase in tourists, many of them coming by cruise ship. Visitors are attracted to the natural environment of the Bay of Kotor and, of course, the old town of Kotor. Kotor is a World Heritage Site dubbed the Natural and Cultural-Historical Region of Kotor.

After our bus adventure, we entered the old town through the Sea Gate.  Kotor has one of the best preserved medieval old towns in the Adriatic.  Once through the gate, we were immediately in the town square with its medieval architecture very apparent.  The ancient walls which stretch for 2.8 miles circle the city.  Our guide walked us through the streets past the Duke’s Palace, the Arsenal and the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon.  

Cathedral of Saint Tryphon

It also seemed like there was a restaurant, jewelry store, souvenir shops at every turn.    

Of course, Kotor also played a role in the Game of Thrones where its beautiful scenery of the Bay of Kotor is featured along with shots of the old town and the historic fortifications.  (I guess I really am going to need to watch this series after seeing all the places where it was filmed).

Croatia – Dubrovnik

After an At Sea-day, we found ourselves pulling into the cruise port for Dubrovnik Croatia.  Needless to say, we have heard many people describe this place and it certainly meets all of the expectations we had.  It is one of the most prominent tourist destinations ,in the Mediterranean and the proof was the two other ships docked when we arrived.  With a population of just over 41,000 it is small and clings to the side of the mountain.  However, the old Town is clearly the high point with its medieval architecture and fortified walls a delight to see.

Overview to the old town of Dubrovnik – Note the walls and towers.

After getting off the ship and joining our guide, Iva, we headed to an overlook to get a good look at the City.  The Old Town is situated within the formidable City Walls with more modern building spreading and climbing the mountains adjacent to the Port.  Listed as an UNESCO list of World Heritage Site, in recognition of its outstanding medieval architecture and fortified old town, Dubrovnik is a treat.

The history of the city probably dates back to the 7th century, when the town was known as Ragusa.  The prosperity of the city was historically based on maritime trade; as the capital of the maritime Republic of Ragusa, it achieved a high level of development, particularly during the 15th and 16th centuries, as it became notable for its wealth and skilled diplomacy.   

Over the centuries, lots of different rulers took control of the area – Republic of Venice, Napoleon, Habsburg Monarchy to name a few.  After WW I, it was included in Yugoslavia.  Croatia remained part of Yugoslavia until the war of independence in the late 1980’s.  This conflict ended in November 1991, when Croatia became an independent country. Unfortunately, the Croatian War of Independence resulted in some significant damage to Dubrovnik with many of the historic buildings being damaged or destroyed.  However, the old town’s protective walls seemed to have remained relatively undamaged and the historic buildings were rebuilt and the Old City has become one of the Mediterranean’s top tourist destinations, as well as a popular filming location.

There are basically three gates into the Old Town – we entered through the Pile Gate (‘pee lay”) and entered right on Stradun or Placa (whose name derives from Venetian, and means “large road” or “wide road”), the main street of the town.  

Our guide walked us around viewing the buildings and describing the pathways we might take to explore.  Passing any number of shops (clothing, various gift shops, restaurants and a bunch of places selling jewelry) we found our way to Romanesque-Baroque Assumption Cathedral where we viewed its outstanding collection of gold and silver reliquaries.  

Within the Cathedral, treasury shows clearly the numerous connections Dubrovnik had with the main seaports in the Mediterranean Sea. The treasury holds 182 reliquaries holding relics from the 11th to 18th centuries; they were encased by local masters, Byzantium, Venice and the Orient. Its most important object is the gold-plated arm, leg and skull of Saint Blaise (patron saint of Dubrovnik). 

From there we viewed the exquisite Venetian Gothic Sponza Palace (The Sponza Palace, also called Divona, is a 16th-century palace. Its name is derived from the Latin word “spongia”, the spot where rainwater was collected).  The Palace is one of the few buildings in the old town to survive the 1667 earthquake, the Sponza Palace was built from 1516 to 1522 as a customs house, and it has subsequently been used as a mint, treasury, armory and bank, it features classical columns and detailed carvings.   Currently there is a small museum which houses a lovely collection of Renaissance paintings that features local and Italian masters.

1,940m in length, and with three entrance gates, six fortresses, and a series of towers, the city wall’s structure itself holds just as much fascination and wonder as the views. It is possible to walk along the top of the entire circumference of the City Walls but the number of steps and the inclement weather kept us from making that trip.  We will save that for another visit.

Dubrovnik was the primary filming location for King’s Landing, one of the most prominent cities in the world-famous television series Game of Thrones. Due to the inherent beauty of the city’s Old Town, the production didn’t need to build scenery or sets nor rely on obvious special effects.  But Game of Thrones isn’t the only mega-franchise to film in the city. Segments of Star Wars: The Last Jedi were also filmed in Dubrovnik. Parts of the Old Town also provided the setting for casino planet Canto Bight. 

Malta – Part 2

Our second scheduled tour was to Mdina.  However, prior to arrival we made a couple of stops.  Leaving Valletta, we headed to the Dingli Cliffs, located off the village of Dingli on Malta’s western coast, at around 253 meters above sea-level. These cliffs represent the highest point of the Maltese islands.

The cliffs propose a majestic sight; the views overlooking the terraced fields underneath and the panorama of the vast open seas.  Given their impressive height the cliffs can be considered as natural forts, since no attacker can approach the island from the west.

Located at this site was a small chapel dedicated to St Mary Magdalen – and dates from about 1575!  Unfortunately the chapel wasn’t open for viewing.

Our next stop, prior to getting to Mdina was a visit to the San Anton Botanical Gardens, located in the village of Attard.

These beautiful gardens were built in the early 17th century by Grand Master Antoine de Paule to complement his summer residence; San Anton Palace, which is located at the perimeter of the gardens and which today serves as the residence of the Maltese President.  

San Anton Palace – The official residence of the President of Malta

The gardens have several pathways surrounded by fountains and ponds which are inhabited by families of ducks, swans, peacocks, peahens and turtles and encompass a large variety of trees and flowers from around the world. Of course, due to the time of year, there wasn’t a lot of color around but it was a pleasant spot to stop and walk.

Mdina is a fortified city and served as the island’s former capital, from antiquity to the medieval period. The city is still confined within its walls, and has a population of 250, but it is contiguous with the town of Rabat, which takes its name from the Arabic word for suburb, and has a population of over 11,000 – and was originally a Roman City. 

Mdina is located at the top of a hill and has been inhabited since prehistory. A Phoenician colony known as Ann was established around the 8th century BCE, sharing its name with the island and presumably acting as its capital. During the Punic Wars, the town was acquired by the Romans and renamed Melita after the Greek and Latin name for the island. Greco-Roman Melite was larger than present-day Mdina. It was reduced to its present size during the period of Byzantine or Arab rule. Following a 9th century massacre, the area was largely uninhabited until its re-establishment in the 11th century as Madīnah, from which the town’s current name derives. Mdina then continued to serve as the capital of Malta until the arrival of the Order of St. John in 1530. Mdina experienced a period of decline over the following centuries, although it saw a revival in the early 18th century during which several Baroque buildings were erected.

Largely maintaining its medieval character, Mdina remained the center of the Maltese nobility and religious authorities with property passed down between families and from generation to generation. It never regained its pre-1530 importance, however, once Valletta became so dominant.  Due to the medieval character, it has been used for a number of TV and Movie sites including the Game of Thrones (which we have never watched). 

Not surprising, there are local wines available around the Island.  Janeen took a particular liking to a different kind of Spritz – Instead of an Aperol Spritz she discovered a Maltese Spritz.  This is made from local cactus (prickly pear) liqueur.  

So, of course, I had to buy a bottle for later and following Rule #2 (Eat Local) she bought a prickly pear to eat. Unfortunately, the fruit was not as sweet as it will become as the harvest wouldn’t be for a couple more months

The Start of a Grand Adventure – The Island of Malta

In July of 2023, I booked a Christmas Market River cruise for the entire family for November of 2024.  This original group of 8 has now grown to 19 friends and family who will all gather together in Cologne Germany to board a UniWorld river boat, S.S. Antoinette, to visit a number of ports along the Rhine River ending in Basel Switzerland.  Along the way, there will be an opportunity to visit lots of Christmas Markets, see a bunch of historic places and of course enjoy all being together. 

After having booked this trip, and while we were on Oceania cruising South America, I booked a three-week cruise in the Mediterranean for October.  The start of that adventure has resulted in our flying via Paris to the island of Malta.  All of these adventures necessitated getting a long term stay visa that allows us to stay in Europe for 6-months.

Our first stop, on this Grand Adventure was Malta – where we are scheduled to board the Oceania Cruise ship, Marina.  We arrived 4 days prior to departure of the cruise allowing us an opportunity to explore the Island.

Malta, is an island country located in the central Mediterranean Sea which has been along various trade routes for thousands of years.  As a result, Maltese society has been molded by centuries of foreign rule by various powers.  In the mid 1800’s British took control of the Island and the resulting British influence is apparent (driving on the ‘wrong side’, red telephone boxes, English as the major language to name just a few).  The island become completely independent in the mid 1970s. 

Valletta, the Capital of Malta, is a relatively new city – having been expanded and developed by the Knights of Malta in the late 16th Century.  Valletta has become a vibrant port of call and became our home base for several days prior to boarding the ship.  The city is Baroque in character, with elements of Mannerist, Neo-Classical and Modern architecture, though the Second World War left major scars on the city.  The city was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980. 

We joined a walking tour of the city to learn more about its history and to visit a number of interesting spots.  As a fortified city, built by the Knights of St John in 1566, its history spans almost 5 centuries. We passed by many of the original fortifications, went through at least a couple of City Gates and viewed the golden sandstone architecture.  Throughout the entire walk we were surrounded by narrow streets with any number of tourist shops and restaurants. Valletta was developed by “immigrant” Templer Knights who chose to fortify Malta as a port. The island capital was originally Mdina, more inland.  Administration of the island was carried on from Valletta by the Grand Marshall of the Knights of St. John for centuries.  They continued hospice care as well. They also used Arab water management and garden techniques to continue olive and wine agriculture. 

One of the highlights was visiting the St John’s Co-Cathedral (It’s a Co-Cathedral because there are two cathedrals on the island and the Bishop is responsible for both locations). 

Not very ornate on the exterior but the inside is wonderful.

Construction was completed in 1577 with a major redo of the interior due to earthquake in the late 1600 resulting in a more Baroque style.  

Inside the church are two paintings from 1608 or so done by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, more commonly known as Caravaggio.

The painting depicting The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist by Caravaggio (1571–1610) is the most famous work in the church. Considered one of Caravaggio’s masterpieces, the largest canvas he painted and the only painting signed by the painter. On the left shows the painting in the spot it was designed to be placed.

 Saint Jerome Writing is second painting by Caravaggio both painted while he was on Malta in 1607 or 1608. A LOT more about Caravaggio later in our adventure. 

If you enjoyed this blog, stay tuned as there will be lots more coming.  

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