Cologne Again!

The magic of our first day at the Christmas Market continued the following day with a more detailed adventure into Cologne.  Along the way, we saw these really interesting buildings along the riverfront – The Kranhaus (“crane house”) three 17-story buildings, collectively Kranhäuser.

Their shape, an upside-down “L”, is reminiscent of the harbor cranes that were used to load cargo to and from ships, two of which were left standing as monuments when the harbor was redesigned as a residential and commercial quarter in the early 2000s.   Not sure I would want to live in one of these but they were certainly eye catching.

When the clock strikes the hour, the head sticks out its tongue!

Further along, the markets beckoned and time was awasting…so walking tours and other excursions could wait for another day.

Did I mention glühwein?  The hunt was on as there were 5 different Christmas Markets in Cologne and members of our group were determined to try and get to all of them and pick up a glass (I honestly don’t know if anyone was successful or not…).

Not only were there market stalls to visit but shops too!

The return to the ship brought about the Captains Welcome Party where we got to meet the crew and enjoy a beverage before dinner.

2 Replies to “Cologne Again!”

  1. Are you planning another Christmas trip? If so please send me the dates and cost. I will be 86 next year Good willing I will be healthy. When are you and Janeen going to be back in the states? I miss seeing you.

  2. Claudia, While we are not currently thinking of another Christmas Cruise we are looking at a Venice cruise but not until the fall of 2026. I will certainly let you know if that actually happens.

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