6-3-17 – 17 days to lift off

Work continues in our efforts to move out of our house.  Boxes have been filled and stored, furniture moved to the garage, address change submitted and packing for our trip is underway.  Over the next 2 weeks, we will be fully out of our home and getting the interior painted for new renters; have paced the car to make sure everything fits and finally stayed with friends for a few days.  First stop, Morro Bay to visit with our friend Clauda.  From there further north to Cupertino and various spots around SF Bay.  Lots more coming folks so stay tuned.


5-30-17 Counting the days

Right now, our plan is to be on the road around June 20th!  Before that, however, there are lot of boxes to pack, items to be tossed and  slew of other things to be able to hit the road.  So, stay tuned as we head out on our ‘gap year’ adventure.

4-10-18 – It all starts in July 2017

Starting in July we head out for our ‘gap year’ adventure which includes spending time in Oregon, driving across the country to Virginia, flying to Portugal for a river cruise, flying to Sttutgart Germany to pick up a new Mercedes-Benz and driving south throughout Italy before dropping the car of for shipment to Virginia.   Tag along via this blog to see what happens.

06-27-16 & 6-28-16 The end….

The 27th was a relaxing day of doing just about nothing.  We did spend some time visiting a couple of shops and packing but beyond that nothing major for sure.  Nice to have a relaxing day prior to flying home.

On the 28th, our driver picked us up and we headed to the airport.  After departing Prague we flew via Amsterdam back to LAX – resulting in being ‘awake’ for 24 hours.  It was a great trip and there are parts I can certainly see going back to for more adventures.  If you have followed along throughout our trip – I hope you enjoyed it.  We had a great time and are already looking forward to our next trip in September 2017!

David & Janeen

06-26-16 Kutna Hora, The Ossuary and several Castles and Churches

In 1278, Henry, the  abbot of the Cistercian monastery  in Sedlec, was sent to the Holy Land by King Otakar II of Bohemia. He returned with him a small amount of earth he had removed from Golgotha and sprinkled it over the abbey cemetery. The word of this pious act soon spread and the cemetery in Sedlec became a desirable burial site throughout Central Europe. In the mid 14th century, during the Black Death, and after the Hussite Wars in the early 15th century, many thousands were buried in the abbey cemetery, so it had to be greatly enlarged. Around 1400, a Gothic church was built in the center of the cemetery with a vaulted upper level and a lower chapel to be used as an ossuary for the mass graves unearthed during construction, or simply slated for demolition to make room for new burials. In 1870, František Rint, a woodcarver, was employed by the Schwarzenberg family to put the bone heaps into order, yielding a macabre result.

Kunta Hora - Ossuary coat of arms us 1
Standing in front of the Coat of Arms of the Schwarzenberg family
Kunta Hora - Ossuary 7
1870 the Date František Rint did the work in the Ossuary.

Kunta Hora - Ossuary 1 Kunta Hora - Ossuary 2 Kunta Hora - Ossuary 15

A visit to this Ossuary is a bit macabre what with all the bones around – many in piles, many in decorative forms – actually a little creepy.

Kunta Hora - Ossuary 6 Kunta Hora - Ossuary 10

After our visit, we walked over to the Sedlec – the first Cisterican monastery in Bohemia – founded in 1142.  An unusual feature is the ability to walk above the vaulted ceilings in the attic and see some of the construction required.

Kunta Hora - Church Inside
Monastery Church of the Virgin Mary – Santini’s vaulting
Kunta Hora - Church 1
Entrance to the Church
Kunta Hora - Church alter 1
Alter dedicated to Saint Mary.

On either side of the Alter were two glass cases hold the Relics of two saints – on the left is St. Vincent – Martyr of ancient room donated by Pope Benedict XIV on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of monastery foundation.

Kunta Hora - Church relix right side
Relics of St. Vincent
Kunta Hora - Church view under roof 3
Looking down at the top of the brick supporting of the Arch along the side of the Church.
Kunta Hora - Church view under roof 5
Beams and framework holding up the roof of the Church.

Another church in town is the Cathedral of St. Barbora.  Around the courtyard of the church was a medieval style fair happening with people in costume and period games and entertainment being performed.  We didn’t join in as it was rather cool and looking like rain.  However, we did venture into the Cathedral for a look around.

Kunta Hora - St Barbory inside miner
Silver mining was huge – this depicts what the average miner might have worn while working the mines.
St. Barbora Orgin dl
Very fancy pipe organ.

Kunta Hora - St Barbory side of church1  Kunta Hora - St Barbory inside Kunta Hora - St Barbory inside Side chaples Kunta Hora - St Barbory inside 2 St. Barbora stainglass dl  After a delightful lunch with Ilona, Kunta Hora - Lunch we heading out for more Castle visits.

One more stop for the day was to was to Konopiste.  This Castle had been modified many times ultimately being purchased by Franz Ferdinand d’Este  in 1887.  At the time, he was the richest member of the Habsburg family at the time and at 21 started to make over this Castle to his liking.  Franz was not considered to be a candidate for succession to the throne but that all changed when the King’s brother died of typhus in 1896.  Even with this possibility, he married Sophie Chotek – who was not considered of high enough birth to be present at the court of the King.  Regardless, Franz was in love and they married and lived mostly in Konopiste only visiting Vienna when required to do so.  The castle was modernized during the early 1900’s with electricity and additional bathrooms being installed.

Konopiste side dl  Konopiste exterior dl

The Castle had a large park around it – all the result of Franz buying up everything around and tearing down all the buildings including a small village.  Within the grounds he established various hunting areas, a pond, gardens and all related items to support his luxury lifestyle.

At the moat, just around the Castle, there were kept several bears – still to this day they are present.

Konopiste Beer Pit bear

Don't feed the Bears
Don’t feed the Bears

We didn’t tour the Castle as the last tour was being done in the Czeck language – didn’t think we could following along.

Konopiste interior dl  game on wall
Franz liked to hunt – all over the world.
Konopiste interior dl armor
Hugh collection of armor.

Konopiste interior dl

After walking around a bit, Janeen went to the Gardens of course.

Konopiste garden dl Konopiste peacock jpl 4 Konopiste greenhouse jpl 2

This Castle is significant as the Seat of power for Franz Ferdinand, the successor to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife Sophie.  When they were assassinated in 1914 it participated the start of World War I.